Get our signature breads at your favorite local stores!
Lakewood bakery is partnered with various convenience stores, grocery stores & food establishments across Long Island, including 7-Eleven, Bolla Market, Speedway & more! Our bread is baked to perfection every morning, is Trans Fat-Free and KOFA Certified.
Interested in trying or buying our classic rolls, bagels, sliced bread or muffins? Use our interactive map to locate a store near you!

Supplying Long Island classic breads since 1969
Lakewood Bakery is a family owned and operated wholesale bakery that provides premium bread, rolls, bagels and danish all over long island. We always treat our customers like part of the family and stay true to our motto, "Large enough to serve you, but small enough to care."
Our wholesale breads are baked fresh every morning in our long island bakery and are delivered within hours of coming out of the oven. Using the finest of ingredients, our breads are carefully crafted by our skilled bakers to provide you with only the highest quality of baked goods.